
Year 1920.

  Broadcasting on a regular daily basis was born in the United States. The First demonstrations of radio broadcasting in Australia . The appearance in France of battery-powered receivers with valves and headphones. The Amsterdam Stock Market (Netherlands) broadcast stock prices and financial news . On 23 February - The Marconi Company organizes a radio-telephone concert (Featuring Dame Nelli Melba) that is broadcasted from Chelmsford (U.K.) and heard in France, Norway, Italy, Persia and by ships on the sea. The British Postmaster General protest against the "Frivolous'' use of public service and suspends broadcast in November. Autumn - Soviet International Broadcasts begins. 2 November - The Westinghouse station KDKA in Pittsburgh announce the victory of Warren G. Harding over James Cox in the American Presidential Election . The First Radio Telegraph (Maracay) services begins in Venezuela.

Year 1919.

 17 October: The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is founded, absorbng the American subsidiary of the Marconi Company and amalgamating General Electric, Western Electric , AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph) and Westinghouse. The American Telephone and Telegraph Company (or AT&T) began as Bell Telephone in 1877. 16 November: In Germany; Hans Bredow organizes political and economic news broadcasts for the Press and the Industry. Many American radio amateurs receive on their crystal sets regular broadcasts from Pittburgh (USA) by Frank Conrad. On Wednesday and Saturday evernings the station plays records chosen by the listeners . This marks the appearance of broadcasting as opposed to wireless telephon, where a connection is made from one point to another, between two correspondants.

Year 1917.

  The Bolsheviks use radio to influence the Germans during negotiations for the Treaty pf Brest-Litovsk. 8 November: A decree on the press establishes censorship that will last for 72 Years in Russia.

Year 1915.

  First International Broadcasts , from Germany, of daily news reports . 25 October: The American Navy Radio station in Arlington, Virginia  establishes a link with the Eiffel Tower in Paris.  By 1915, Mare Island had built all of the radio stations .

Year 1914.

 March to August: A weekly concert is broadcasted from the Chateau de Laeken (Belgium)

Year 1913.

 Amateurs with galena-crystal radios listen in to the first regular weekly musical programmes broadcast from a wing of the Chateau de Laeken (Belgium). A federation of radio clubs , the Wireless Society of London ( later the Radio Society of Great Britain ) is founded in London. There is a special appeal about a device, however primitive, that can pull in radio voices and music through the air from many miles away without batteries or electrical power of any kind, just an antenna and a ground. BRITISH VINTAGE WIRELESS SOCIETY

Year 1912.

 15 April: Radio amateurs pick up the SOS sent out by the TITANIC .  The sinking of the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912 .